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The Kerala state Chalachitra Academy(Motion Picture Academy of the Kerala State) was instituted by the Government of Kerala in August 1998.
The first of its kind in the country,the Academy is an authorised effort to counter the gross commoditization of the film medium and acknowledge the contribution of cinema to the cultural enlightenment of the society.The institution works on core motto that Cinema ought to contribute to the complete development of human being, on both personal and societal levels.
The Academy today plays a significant role in the cultural landscape of Kerala reaching out students, teachers, and ordinary people through various initiatives designed to carry the message of cinema as not only a means of entertainment but of serious academic reflection and a tool to preserve and document the history of society.

Major objectives of the Academy is to serve as a link between the Government and the film industry, organise Film Festivals throughout the State, to preserve and propagate Malayalam Cinema, to intervene in film education, to document the History of Malayalam Cinema, and to honour of individuals and films that contribute to the aesthetics of Malayalam cinema.